We have now closed registration for the 2023 Journey

The rest of 2023 we only offer the self-paced Regenerative Leadership Course.

Sign up for our interest list for the 2024 Journey

Welcome to a year-long journey exploring Regenerative Leadership with a community of kindred spirits

If you long to find a community who recognize that business-as-usual is broken, and are exploring how to redesign a regenerative way of living, working and doing business on this planet - look no more.

This unique one-year long journey is a combination of an extensive deep-dive course in Regenerative Leadership, a virtual global community and stimulating co-created LIVE sessions.

The journey has been designed to help you develop a practice of Regenerative Leadership, test out new regenerative ways of working, leading and living, and meet others on the same path. This is a space for those that are longing to be part of building life-affirming, regenerative organizations and societies.

A deep-dive course, community and virtual gatherings

  • The Virtual Course

    Here you will take a dive-deep into Regenerative Leadership in your own space and time. Six pre-recorded video modules will take you through all the main concepts and frameworks of Regenerative Leadership. You will get access to all of these modules as soon as you have signed up. This comes with a workbook designed to help you take your practice deeper.

  • The Online Community

    Here all students from Regenerators Academy are invited to discuss, share and meet each other. This also serves as a rich library of videos, podcasts, books and articles to inspire Regenerators on their journey. We also have the option to join a Telegram discussion group.

  • The Virtual Gatherings

    We gather virtually at least twice a month for a year from January to December, 2023. In these sessions you will have the space to reflect and discuss the material of the course, meet fellow Regenerators from around the world, and receive interesting perspectives from regenerative pioneers. All LIVE sessions are recorded and can be accessed at any time.

The Journey Design


There are six core content pillars that in pre-recorded modules take you through key concepts, frameworks, insights, and business cases designed to strengthen your Regenerative Leadership practice. These six content pillars are the fixed structure of the Journey. 

Regenerative Leadership lend inspiration from evolutionary biology, deep ecology, anthropology, sociology, theology, eco feminism, history, biomimicry, circular economy, adult developmental psychology, emerging leadership frameworks, permaculture, and so much more.



We allow natural emergence to happen. In these sessions, we will collectively embark into unknown territory together, exploring themes month-by-month as we sense into our co-created field to explore what theme to target next. It could be a deeper exploration of the intelligence of nature, indigenous wisdom, the story of separation, more business cases, additional frameworks, or a personal sharing of our own exercises from the modules. In 2022 we had sessions on wintering, our role as future ancestors, ecosystem facilitation, radical honesty, collective intelligence cases, business case challenges, transformation alchemists and so much more. 


We ask our guests – the regenerative pioneers and practitioners – to offer wisdom designed to strengthen the capacity of Regenerative Leaders. The guest speakers in 2023 include Nora Bateson (Warm Data), Tre' Cates (nRhythmn), Andrew Winston (Net Positive), Kathleen Allen (Leading from the Roots), Tamsin Woolley-Barker (Teeming), Felipe Vilella (ReNature) and Leny Strobel (Decolonizing Sustainability) and Bayo Akomolafe (The Emergence Network).

Do you want to be a part of the regenerative movement?


For a regenerative transition to happen we urgently need executives, HR professionals, teachers, students, creatives, coaches, consultants, architects, NGO-leaders, politicians, and city officials that dare to blaze entirely new trails and rebuild our systems in regenerative and resilient ways.

Who is this course for?

  • Executives who understand that a regenerative business approach is the only way to move forward and the only way to future-proof their organization.

  • Intrapreneurs who are deeply passionate about sowing the seeds of inner transformation in their organizations, and long for a community to learn from, grow with, and be inspired by in terms of where to start and how to hold momentum.

  • Sustainability professionals who want to compliment their toolbox with an understanding of regenerative practice and frameworks simply because traditional sustainability frameworks are not enough.

  • HR professionals who understand their important role in transforming their organizations towards healthy, vibrant, living systems, with a focus on offering conditions for inner life to thrive within the organization. HR is short for Human Regeneration in the regenerative era.

  • Educators who understand that the legacy they leave is one where they have equipped their students to navigate the complexities of the modern world, and to redesign it towards regeneration. The world desperately needs teachers and professors willing to start integrating regenerative wisdom into their curriculums.

  • NGO leaders and community managers that sees the importance of ensuring NGOs are geared for the 21st century landscape and not lost in bureaucracy and rigidity.

  • Consultants and coaches who want to include a regenerative approach into their work and offerings to take their clients to the much-needed next level.

  • Architects and urban developers who are curious to explore how regenerative frameworks and approaches could improve their work in the field of urban regenerative design.

  • Project managers and team leaders who want to up-level their organizational approaches and frameworks into a mindset geared for the 21st century.

  • Students who feel their education isn’t prepping them to work or lead in the regenerative era.

What's included?

As this is a journey into unchartered territories, deliberately designed to allow for natural emergence to happen, you will gain much more than what can be put into words at this stage.

Here are some of the things we can guarantee:

  • Community

    Access to a unique community of kindred spirits on a similar journey. In our community, we will share successes, failures, lessons learned, ideas, and new inspiration to feel empowered and supported on our regenerative journey .

  • Pre-recorded modules

    Six carefully designed pre-recorded modules covering all the key elements needed for you to deepen your Regenerative Leadership practice. This includes recorded sessions, slide-packs and a workbook designed to create space for deeper contemplation and application.

  • Live Virtual Sessions

    25 LIVE virtual sessions diving deeper into regenerative practice, business cases and insights. These will be facilitated by the course host Laura Storm and carefully selected guest teachers who are all pioneers in the regenerative field.

  • Home study group

    Your own Home Circle. For those of you that would like it we divide people into smaller study groups called Home Circles to have a smaller circle to share and reflect with, and be accountable to.

  • Community

    Inspiration, thought-provoking ideas and best-practice cases from some of the leading regenerative thinkers and business leaders.

  • Resource library

    Access to a unique library of extra resources recommended for your continued journey: videos, podcasts, books etc.


Laura Storm

Laura is the Founder of Regenerators and has spent her entire career working in the intersection of sustainability, organizational development, climate change policy and the wisdom of nature.

  • She has started and led multiple international organizations focused on the global transformation to sustainability - including Copenhagen Climate Council and Sustainia.

  • She has been awarded the title "Worldchanger" by Greenbiz, named one of the 30 leading women within sustainability and regeneration by Sustainable Brands, is selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader, a World Economic Forum Sustainability Expert and serves on many Boards.

  • She runs regenerative transformation processes for individuals and organizations and is the co-author of the much-praised book Regenerative Leadership - the DNA of life-affirming 21st century organisations.

Testimonials from previous journeys

A Journey that forever changed me.

"Some courses you easily forget and move on. But then there are a few that make such a profound impact on you that there’s a 'before' and 'after'. I’ve just been through such a journey, masterfully designed and facilitated by Laura Storm – an international beacon of regenerative light and inspiration. Laura is a true pioneer within Regenerative Leadership. During the course I was surprised, inspired, motivated, challenged and deeply moved" 


Finding kindred spirits.

"Before starting the course I had questions like: 'Am I wrong?' 'Do I misunderstand the world?' 'Am I alone in the desert?' 'Where can I find likeminded people?' 'Where can I find frameworks and tools to apply it?' 'Where can I find vocabulary for what I feel, I see & understand?' All of these questions were answered during the course. Thank you for that. I learned to not be afraid of my own thoughts. Not to be afraid of imperfections (nature also is). Not to be afraid of believing in Nature"


Bringing wisdom back to your workplace.

“It has been highly insightful, extremely interesting, and very thought provoking – altogether a very inspiring course. I have talked to most of my friends, relatives, and all of my colleagues about it, and I hope to see the rings spread in the water. I was delighted to see how my boss decided to incorporate regenerative thinking into our new strategy”


Helped me break the mould.

"This was hand-down one of the best learning experiences I have EVER had! I cannot recommend this learning experience enough. I have connected with many peers on LinkedIn after the course and I also thought the application of the learning was genius. Too often learning is not applied, you broke this mould, and that made a real impact on me (plus I got loads of amazing ideas and insight). Thank you, truly a world-class experience"



What we cover in the six foundational modules:

The six modules are pre-recorded and come with a workbook designed to help you develop your practice deeper. During the LIVE sessions we dive deeper into reflections and sharings.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 1: Why we need Regenerative Leadership

    Why is it that we urgently need Regenerative Leadership today? What are the landscapes we are navigating? What are the main challenges for Regenerative Leaders, and how can we deeply understand the interconnectedness of our challenges and cultivate a deeper understanding of our current context?

  • Module 2

    MODULE 2: Getting to the Root Cause: The Story of Separation

    We need to ensure that we don’t just fix things at a surface level but truly dare to go to the root cause of our current challenges. We need to understand what created our current mess in the first place in order to apply the right kind of healing, solutions, and leadership. If we don’t dare to explore this root cause and understand how the story of separation is infiltrating every corner of society, we’ll inadvertently keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 3: Learning from Nature

    Nature has 3.8 billion years of experience in designing life – why don’t we draw on that wisdom to build societies full of health and vitality? Learning how nature designs thriving regenerative systems and solutions is of paramount importance for Regenerative Leaders. In this module, we will begin to explore nature's organizing patterns and principles that are the foundation for a regenerative way of designing, leading and being.

  • Module 4

    MODULE 4: The Role of the Regenerative Leader

    This module serves as the perfect bridge between nature’s wisdom and the leadership role. How can we take the logic of life and apply it into our leadership and organizational development? How can we truly shift our ways from rigid, mechanistic scheduling and planning and instead move into regenerative, life-affirming ways? The module presents key concepts and dynamics in ecosystem facilitation and emphasizes the type of questions Regenerative Leaders must ask themselves if they are to steward health, life, and vitality in their living systems.

  • Module 5

    MODULE 5: The DNA of Regenerative Business

    In this module we take all that we’ve learned in previous modules and apply it in concrete ways to our role as Regenerative Leaders and practitioners. We will dive deeply into how we can build thriving organizations based on the Regenerative DNA framework presented in the book, Regenerative Leadership. This is a rather extensive module as we’ll go through the DNA model in depth, thoroughly exploring every DNA strand, to equip you with the knowledge needed to transition your organization to regeneration.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 6: Regenerative Leadership Capacities  

    This module is designed to be a nourishing, deep inner exhale, and the introverted yin energy we need to tap into before we go out into the world as regenerative change-makers and transformers. It ties together the final threads of the previous modules and offers you some practical next steps. 

Video covering the essence of the six pre-recorded modules

Our Guest Speakers in 2023

We are inviting world-leading pioneers to share their unique insights and ideas with us.

  • Andre


    Andrew Winston is a globally-recognized expert on megatrends and how to build companies that thrive by serving the world. Named to Thinkers50 list of the top management thinkers in the world, he is the author of the bestsellers Green to Gold, The Big Pivot, and most recently, Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More than They Take. Andrew received degrees in economics, business, and environmental management from Princeton, Columbia, and Yale.

  • Tamsin Woolley-Barker


    Dr. Tamsin Wolley-Barker is an evolutionary anthropologist, a biomimicry pioneer, Adjunct at Arizona State University's Biomimicry Center and author of the bestseller TEEMING: How Superorganisms Work to Build Infinite Wealth in a Finite World. Dr. Tamsin is passionate about applying evolutionary expertise to facilitate resilient and adaptive solutions to global challenges. She is a sought-after speaker, educator, and consultant working with leaders, agents of change, and organizations that want to re-imagine work that works for us.

  • Bayo Akomolafe


    Bayo Akomolafe (Ph.D.) is a widely celebrated international speaker, posthumanist thinker, poet, teacher, public intellectual, essayist, and author of two books, These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity’s Search for Home and We Will Tell our Own Story: The Lions of Africa Speak. Bayo is the Chief Curator of The Emergence Network, an earth-wide project for the re-calibration of our ability to respond to civilizational crises.

  • Nora Bateson


    Nora Bateson, is an award-winning filmmaker, research designer, writer, international lecturer, as well as President of the International Bateson Institute based in Sweden. Nora’s work brings the fields of biology, cognition, art, anthropology, psychology, and information technology together into a study of the patterns in ecology of living systems. She is the creator of the Warm Data theory and practices. Her work asks the question “How can we improve our perception of the complexity we live within, so we may improve our interaction with the world?”.

  • Felipe Villela


    Felipe Villela is a Brazilian Regenerative Agribusiness Expert and Co-Founder of reNature. Felipe is Forbes Under30 2020 and a TEDxAmsterdam Speaker, Regenerative Agriculture Lead Author at UN Environment for their GEO for Business brief on “The changing role of Business in Transforming Food Systems”. Felipe’s ambition is to engage international corporations to make a transition in their agricultural practices using successful regenerative agriculture showcases that ensures economical viability and farmers resilience.

  • Leny Strobel


    Dr. Leny Mendoza Strobel is Professor of American Multicultural Studies at Sonoma State University. She is a Founding Elder of the Center for Babaylan Studies (CFBS) - a nonprofit organization that seeks to facilitate the process of decolonization and re-indigenization. Her books, journal articles, anthologies and public talks on these themes have planted many seeds in various communities that are now manifesting as part of a larger visible cultural and ecological movement.

  • Kathleen Allen


    Dr. Kathleen Allen is the President of Allen Associates and executive coach with more than 20 years of experience in coaching leaders around organizational change. Dr. Allen uses nature as a model for more effective and purpose-filled leadership practices, incorporating the concepts of living systems and Nature’s adaptive cycle to leadership, human, and organizational development. Dr. Allen is the author of the popular book Leading from the Roots: Nature Inspired Leadership Lessons for Today’s World.

  • Tre’ Cates


    Tre’ Cates is a regenerative thought-leader and a Founding Partner of nRhythm with over 25+ years of senior-level experience as an executive and consultant in a variety of industries on six continents and 35+ countries. He has worked directly with executives at several Fortune 1000 organizations in addition to multi-stakeholder cross-sector projects that involve government, communities, industry and NGOs. Significant experience in technology, food and agriculture, community and cross-sector development.

As above, so below, as within so without


Regenerators are constantly focused on weaving new regenerative ways. They understand that how they show up for themselves and to what extent they apply regenerative principles to their own lives deeply influence their ability to create regenerative ripples through their own actions and leadership.

The Regenerative Leadership Journey will focus on how we can create regenerative ripples in our own lives, projects, organizations and through our actions have a regenerative ecosystemic impact.

A Regenerative Business Model

This is how we at Regenerators Academy do our best to create regenerative ripples. The Regenerators Academy business model is based on values of regeneration.

This means that this entity has to create regenerative impact not just for participants, but far beyond its direct circles of influence. This isn’t a traditional course where financial revenue streams only benefit the creator of the course, or where the course content can only be accessed by those that can afford it.

Designing regenerative ripples has been at the core, which means the following simple rules are in place:

  • Indigenous wisdom keepers and efforts to regenerate land receive direct benefits of the financial capital generated: 10% (minus local VAT) of revenue is donated to regenerative projects with a preference for land regeneration and empowering indigenous voices. At its core regenerative wisdom is indigenous wisdom. It’s our responsibility to help these efforts to gain access to capital. At Regenerators Academy, we’ll publish a yearly overview with the projects and donations we’ve successfully given.

  • The Robin Hood Principle: Participants from corporations can donate a scholarship position directly through their payment to those that cannot afford participation. So every time someone from a corporation signs up, they immediately free up a scholarship position to someone without the financial means.

  • Guest speakers are financially compensated for their time and wisdom: Too often pioneers are expected to happily share their wisdom and knowledge without getting paid. In this course, they receive fair compensation for their time and wisdom.

  • Show up with the same energy you want more of in this world: What does this mean? It means that we do our best to honor cyclical living, compassion, and kindness in our work processes. We take the time to nourish ourselves so we can nourish others.

Pricing options & payment plans

We offer 3-month payment plans on all price levels and Group Discounts (send us an email). Price includes VAT. No refund policy.

1) Corporate Sponsor (a spot for yourself + a sponsored spot for someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend) €1444
2) Corporate/self-employed €1222
3) NGO & Academia €999
4) Students & Unemployed €444

We do not offer refunds.


On January 13, 2023 we will select those who will join through the scholarship programme. We will contact you directly if you have been selected. The more corporate sign-ups the more scholarships we can offer.

Dates to save in your calendar

Laura's sessions will run twice a day to accommodate our global community (you are free to attend both but the focus will be the same for each session). 

The sessions will run 9-11 am CET AND 3-5 pm CET - you pick the time slot that best fits your time-zone/schedule. 

The sessions with guest teachers will be spread throughout the year at a time that's convenient for their time-zone. 

Sessions with Laura Storm
DIVING DEEPER INTO REGENERATIVE LEADERSHIP & KEY TOPICS THAT EMERGE. Hosted twice a day to accommodate to a global community - pick the time that suits you best.


  • JANUARY 19, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • FEBRUARY 8, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • MARCH 9,9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • APRIL 12, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • MAY 9, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • JUNE 8, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • JULY 5, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • AUGUST 22, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • SEPTEMBER 21, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • OCTOBER 11, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • NOVEMBER 9, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET
  • DECEMBER 14, 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET

Travel together with a small Home Circle

We offer the opportunity to join a Home Circle of six people to travel with for the year. We will design the groups, introduce you to each other, and offer a structure of reflective questions to explore together to better integrate new ways of being. After the initial introduction the Home Circles are self-organized. This way you get to journey with a smaller group in a way that allows you to create deep bonds, while also getting to meet all the other amazing humans on the journey during the breakouts in the LIVE sessions. 

The Regenerative Leadership Journey captured by an artist

Last year Anna Denardin illustrated the journey's key sessions. These images gives you a great sense of the flow, richness and depth of our journey.

Questions You May Have

  • What will we cover in the LIVE sessions? What if I can't attend?

    In our LIVE sessions, Laura prepare the theme based on what's most alive in the community. It could be a deeper exploration of the intelligence of nature, indigenous wisdom, the story of separation, more business cases, additional frameworks, exercises or yin-style reflective sessions. In our sessions with guest speakers, we allow the guests – the regenerative pioneers and practitioners – to offer pieces they feel called to deliver to us. All guests are ready to co-create and look forward to interesting sharing.

    All sessions will be recorded and posted in the community - except of course for the breakout rooms which are private sharing between those that are there.

  • How is this journey structured?

    This journey is designed with the intention of tapping into the alchemy of structure and emergence. This means that there's some elements that are fixed - the pre-recorded modules that are the known pieces of the puzzle that you dive into during your own time and space. The LIVE sessions on the other hand we collectively hold space for what wants to emerge. We dive deep together, share lessons learned, and express our reflections around the content pillars. Laura Storm will be the main space holder to guide and deeply sense into where we need to go next together as a collective.

  • How will I get to talk to fellow Regenerators on this journey?

    During the LIVE sessions we will always have breakouts where you get to meet fellow journey travellers, in our virtual community you can discuss, share and meet your fellow travellers. For those that are interested we will help you get your own Home-Circle - smaller study groups of app 6 who travel and learn together in a self-organised way.

  • When do we begin & end the journey? How much time should I allocate?

    We have the first LIVE session in January and then we have app. 2 sessions a month throughout 2022.

    How much time to allocate really depends on how deep you want to take your practice. If you go through all the modules which I highly recommend it's a total of 15 hours of video sessions and then comes the suggestions for diving deeper and the exercises.

    There are no rules. For some, the live sessions and the community deliver the most value; therefore, they may not watch all the modules. That’s fine too – you’ll take what you need from this experience and can always go back and watch a module that we referred to in the live sessions if you wish to do so.

  • Can I get a student discount or a scholarship?

    Yes, the price for students are significantly lower with the options of dividing payments into three segments. We also have the opportunity of applying for a scholarship. See further up on the page the link to submit application.