Here you can read, watch and listen to how previous journey travellers have experienced the journey .

“The Regenerators course with Laura Storm is life-affirming, on a personal and professional level. This optimistic course has given me the courage to leave my comfort zone, and to become even more myself. It has also given me hope and the ability to actually slow down a little, for the greater good. One of my community members told me one day ‘patience doesn’t mean being passive’. Regeneration is not a goal, it’s a journey. It will take time. Gift yourself and your ancestors the privilege of this course with like-minded spirits, go beyond CSR and start living in symbiosis with the only system that has stood the test of time - nature.

- Charlie Felgate, Vision Leader at Decathlon United

“This journey has helped me deepen my connection to and understanding of nature. It has enabled me to understand nature as a source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom for living and working in a regenerative way. The journey provides both personal and professional development as well as concrete frameworks to apply to your own business/organization.

- Jeroen van Weeghel, Regenerative Development Facilitator & Content Creator

“The Regenerative Leadership Journey has offered me many frames to connect my work of inner wellbeing with the work of wellbeing of organizations and systems. The learning experience was integrative and not siloed, which is the need of the hour for our society and our planet.

I would recommend this course to anyone working on transforming themselves, their practice, their organisations or larger systems. The course will influence your being and relating as much as your work, if you tap into its wealth with openness and intentionality.”

- Kapil Dawda, Community Weaver and Co-initiator, The Wellbeing Movement; Core Team Member, Viridus Social Impact Solutions

“I want to recommend it to everyone, I mean EVERYONE. The course explains so clearly and holistically why we must unlearn old patterns and mindsets. Our mechanistic way of approaching the world just doesn’t work anymore.

The course also explains how we must rethink our leadership and systems. It is rich of learnings that we all can use in our personal and professional lives, regardless of who we are, what we do or where we live.

While the course is a journey of deep personal reflection, it also gives tools to support others to build for a regenerative future. I believe that this is the only way forward for all of us. The future can be bright and there is a lot of hope.”

- Michaela Ramm-Schmidt, Senior Expert, Corporate Relations at Baltic Sea Action Group

“This course has opened up a whole new way of seeing the world for me, it has given me the language to encourage executives to shift their worldview from reductionist and destructive, to one that is life affirming. When we create organizations as the complex living systems they truly are, they are able to thrive, despite the many disruptions that will continue to rock the world over the next decades.”

-Colleen Davis, Regenerative Executive Coach

“Regenerators' Academy is a beautifully, thoughtfully designed journey of change. It appeals to heart, head and hands. Laura holds a warm, encouraging space for learning, exploration and experimentation. The guest speakers are the pioneering voices in the regenerative movement. There's lots of time to get to know other participants through multiple channels. The year-long journey gave me time to find my own place in this growing community and define my own contribution and next steps. Thank you, Laura!”

- Will Gardner, Co-Founder at Motive

“I embarked on the Regenerative Leadership Journey shortly after starting to write my master’s thesis about Regenerative Leadership as I thought it would be a great way to explore the topic on a much deeper, embodied level. I was not wrong. The understanding and knowledge I gained from the course are so rich and valuable; I could never have gained them by reading books and articles, listening to podcasts, and watching videos about the regenerative movement alone. All modules and sessions of the Regenerative Leadership Journey were insightful and exciting in their own way. Besides that, I am more than glad to have had the chance to connect with so many different and wonderful people from all over the world throughout the course.

There are plenty of us trying to plant regenerative seeds wherever we go. Although I do not know my path yet, I feel like the Regenerative Leadership Journey helped me prepare for and figure out what I wish for my professional future, an awareness that I am incredibly grateful for.”

-Natascha Roosen, student

"Being part of the Regenerative Leadership Journey has given me knowledge and connections beyond my wildest expectations. I joined the course thinking I needed a certificate, and didn't know that I had a longing for being part of something greater. I leave this course with a calling and a new 'family' consisting of kindred spirits around the world. Laura is hands down the most amazing and inspiring person and equally so are the many talented guest speakers I had the pleasure of listening to. If you are looking for and have a longing to go beyond sustainability and conventional thinking, then this is course that will change you (and gradually the world) forever."

- Dorte Wheeler Laursen, Corporate Partnerships Director at At EcoTree International

"The Organic Company and I have been on a somewhat regenerative journey for many years now. However, this purpose driven journey has been based on sense and limited information, so a lot of frustration has occurred along the way due to hardly any tools, not that many likeminded to talk to and a world not that open towards a true paradigm shift. In regenerators, I/we found likeminded, tools, inspiration, radical honesty, knowledge, and most of all a strong belief that the hard work matters and I/we feel a strong hope again."

-Joy, CEO, partner and creative director, The Organic Company

"The regenerative leadership course gave me alot of insights to reflect on my role in my personal and professional life, the way how I interact with other human beings and nature as a whole, and helped me to deconstruct thoughts and emotions that have been planted through the way I was growing up as a white cis man in a Western society. The diversity of inputs for different learning types is remarkable. Thanks!"

-Fabio Volkmann Project manager

""Regenerative Leadership" by Laura Storm, has been the most interesting, fulfilling, and enriching course I've taken so far. The content, structure, the live sessions and the selection of amazing guest spakers are just perfect. I keep on going back over and over again as the wealth of ideas, guidance and wording are such an extraordinary source of constant inspiration!

Looking forward to keep on learning and engaging further with this purpose-led community of regenerators."

-Susana Gago Garcia, Founder & Director

"I have been welcomed into a far-reaching global network with deeply valuable perspectives to integrate into the work I do. The year invested has expanded my senses and ability to choose how to act in the world - from scattered to connected, from worried, reactionary speed to purpose-focused priorities and calm patience. This journey is not always easy. This journey is meaningful and annoying and touching and weird and full of complex love."

- May-Britt Vangsgaard Andersen, Co-Founder of Social Sensemakers

"This course has changed my life for the better in countless ways. Despite decades of experience as a facilitator, organiser, activist and leader in various settings the lessons and experiences I've had thanks to Laura and the Regenerators community have deepened my understanding, improved my practise and empowered myself and those I interconnect with greatly.

The way the course is structured and facilitated embodies the participatory principle of sense and respond and the quality of the content and contributions is cutting edge and world class. It's the best course I've ever undertaken.

There is no better investment I could imagine having made into my own growth as a regenerative leader and I feel deeply grateful that Laura and all those she walks with are doing this beautifully crucial work at a time when it's needed most."

- Simon Jones, Regenerative Change Specialist

"This course is a real gem and a full-fledged journey. It goes beyond classic conceptual frameworks and delves into the bases of the current economic paradigm and the one that is about to be born and the role, we humans, have being playing so far. A journey that, little by little, make us aware of the role we play in our personal and professional life, and gives us tools to live in a much more holistic and regenerative way. "

- Carlota Mateos, Social Entrepreneur

"The Regenerative Leadership Journey has offered me many frames to connect my work of inner wellbeing with the work of wellbeing of organisations and systems. The learning experience was integrative and not siloed, which is the need of the hour for our society and our planet.

For me, the generative live sessions and guest sessions were a standout. The perspectives of a tribe of like-minded souls, both beginners and experts, were harvested in thoughtfully facilitated, inclusive virtual spaces. I started off the course alone, but now have a community of co-travellers to support me on my journey. Besides its sessions, the course content was rich, insightful and well-presented.

I would recommend this course to anyone working on transforming themselves, their practice, their organisations or larger systems. The course will influence your being and relating as much as your work, if you tap into its wealth with openness and intentionality."

- Kapil Dawda, Community Weaver and Co-initiator, The Wellbeing Movement; Core Team Member, Viridus Social Impact Solutions

"A journey full of wisdom, diverse input and deep connections. To me it was a wonderful experience filled with rich discussions, powerful reflections and very human encounters.

A space for cross-pollination to start co-creating a world in which every living being can thrive in a regenerative way."

- Christina Hunn, Social Innovation Ecosystem Facilitator

This journey has been unlike any I have experienced. You gain a clear understanding about the causes of our planetary struggles and the changes needed to move towards a thriving planet. You are taking the living principles of life, and gathering them into yourself over 12 months, flowing with the turns of the wheel and embodying the changes of the seasons. Laura Storm is a gifted facilitator and creates the space, experiences and connections to learn what true regenerative leadership is for you. The guest sessions add an incredible amount of value and widen your lens of the interwoven aspects of Regeneration, and the amazing work that is being done to support it."

- Christine Freeland, Transformational Coach/Facilitator

"The course has given me so much more trust in the possibility of a good future: I experienced Laura brought alive ideas that feel deeply true to me but often seem too much "out there" in such a grounded manner. And I experienced a community of leaders speaking and connecting from the heart, connecting to what Life is calling for right now. "

- Johannes Ebeling, Alliance Builder

"I have been part of the Regenerative Leadership Journey 2022 and it has been a very strong and moving experience – as well as a very knowledgeable journey. The commitment and sharing of the group in the sessions have contributed to my own development. The guest speakers and the sessions from Laura have brought forward a knowledge and language that made me rethink and reevaluate my own understandings and practices. A truly wonderful learning process and unfolding a topic in both mind, heart and feet as I have walked the talk alongside each other as the course progressed."

- Thea Lyng Thomsen, CEO

"Nowadays, if you are a sensitive and committed entrepreneur, it's hard to deal with eco-grief and not quit our work as a contributor to healing burnout people and the planet.

Fortunately, my path met Laura and Gilles book and the Regenerative Leadership Course. They were the missing piece of the puzzle that I had begun to explore on my own.

I am also very grateful for the two gifts embodied by the guest sessions and the community of my fellow travelers on this journey. They were such a great support and co-laboratory of exploration.

This year-long journey also gave me permission to stop planning things in my business and start feeling and reacting to life (which is entirely in line with my type of human generator design)."

- Emilie Grau, Foundeur at

"Being part of the Regenerator journey has given me knowledge and connections beyond my wildest expectations. I joined the course thinking I needed a certificate, and didn't know that I had a longing for being part of something greater. I leave this course with a calling and a new 'family' consisting of kindred spirits around the world. Laura is hands down the most amazing and inspiring person and equally so the many talented guest speakers, I had the pleasure of listening to. If you are looking for and have a longing to go beyond sustainability and conventional thinking, then this is course that will change you (and gradually the world) forever"

- Dorte Wheeler Laursen, Corporate Partnerships Director

"I can truly feel that the months during this journey have planted a seed to transform my life. They have opened the potential to completely change the way how I show up in this world and how I contribute to a regenerative world. And they have motivated me to already take the first steps. I'm eternally grateful for every single second that I have spent and will spend with the wonderful, inspiring, hopeful people in this tribe! THANKS!!!"

- Journey Traveller

"In a Nutshell: This journey is about connecting and exploring, sensing and responding, unlearning and not knowing, staying with and surrendering, inviting and embodying, griefing and dancing, listening and sharing, learning and integrating, leaning in and trusting, weaving and flowing, letting go and letting come...and so much more. It is truly a path that you are invited to go shoulder to shoulder with beautiful fellow humans that give rise to inspiration, connectedness and emergence within you and the community."

- Journey Traveller

"The journey is life co-creating. A space for receiving and giving. A community of doers and beings. A journey of challenge and compassion. A dance between zooming in and zooming out. I'm very grateful for having been part of this mutual evolution."

- Journey Traveller

"A very conscious learning journey because Is not only about getting knowledge but also integrating mind, spirit and emotions. The program has been a great tool to understand our interconnections and how to heal ourselves to heal the systems we belong."

- Journey Traveller

Read the 2022 journey travellers experience.

In a post Laura shared on LinkedIn.

"This journey and all the journey travellers have profoundly changed me and I sense I don't have many words to describe the experience. But the experiences shared by the fellow travellers can provide you a great insight!" - Laura