What we cover in the six foundational modules:

The six modules are pre-recorded and come with a workbook designed to help you develop your practice deeper. During the LIVE sessions we dive deeper into reflections and sharings.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 1: Why we need Regenerative Leadership

    Why is it that we urgently need Regenerative Leadership today? What are the landscapes we are navigating? What are the main challenges for Regenerative Leaders, and how can we deeply understand the interconnectedness of our challenges and cultivate a deeper understanding of our current context?

  • Module 2

    MODULE 2: Getting to the Root Cause: The Story of Separation

    We need to ensure that we don’t just fix things at a surface level but truly dare to go to the root cause of our current challenges. We need to understand what created our current mess in the first place in order to apply the right kind of healing, solutions, and leadership. If we don’t dare to explore this root cause and understand how the story of separation is infiltrating every corner of society, we’ll inadvertently keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 3: Learning from Nature

    Nature has 3.8 billion years of experience in designing life – why don’t we draw on that wisdom to build societies full of health and vitality? Learning how nature designs thriving regenerative systems and solutions is of paramount importance for Regenerative Leaders. In this module, we will begin to explore nature's organizing patterns and principles that are the foundation for a regenerative way of designing, leading and being.

  • Module 4

    MODULE 4: The Role of the Regenerative Leader

    This module serves as the perfect bridge between nature’s wisdom and the leadership role. How can we take the logic of life and apply it into our leadership and organizational development? How can we truly shift our ways from rigid, mechanistic scheduling and planning and instead move into regenerative, life-affirming ways? The module presents key concepts and dynamics in ecosystem facilitation and emphasizes the type of questions Regenerative Leaders must ask themselves if they are to steward health, life, and vitality in their living systems.

  • Module 5

    MODULE 5: The DNA of Regenerative Business

    In this module we take all that we’ve learned in previous modules and apply it in concrete ways to our role as Regenerative Leaders and practitioners. We will dive deeply into how we can build thriving organizations based on the Regenerative DNA framework presented in the book, Regenerative Leadership. This is a rather extensive module as we’ll go through the DNA model in depth, thoroughly exploring every DNA strand, to equip you with the knowledge needed to transition your organization to regeneration.

  • Module 1

    MODULE 6: Regenerative Leadership Capacities  

    This module is designed to be a nourishing, deep inner exhale, and the introverted yin energy we need to tap into before we go out into the world as regenerative change-makers and transformers. It ties together the final threads of the previous modules and offers you some practical next steps. 

Video covering the essence of the six pre-recorded modules