I understand that…
1) The year-long journey is not a polished course I can easily extract from - I need to be in it fully and invest my time and presence to truly gain from this experience. There are no 10-step frameworks or cookie-cutter recipes. That’s not what our world calls for right now. We will receive an abundance of wisdom, sessions, and insights, yet we don’t serve it on a silver platter as easily digestible, downloadable sound bites. We know that those who receive the most from this experience show up to collectively learn and unlearn, share vulnerably, and invest themselves in the journey - not to be entertained, but to throw themselves into the arena to learn and practice.
2) Inner transformation goes hand in hand with outer transformation, and our journey equally focuses on inner, outer, and ecosystemic regenerative transformation. This means we find it equally important to dive deep into regenerative business model design, value chain transformation, biomimicry, and systems thinking as it is to explore our inner worlds, our role as ancestors, cyclical ways of living, and bringing our bodies along on the journey. We naturally weave through these dimensions in our live sessions, as the role of the regenerative leader honors wholeness.
3) Part of co-creating a flourishing regenerative future requires that I do my best to explore how colonial worldviews, structures, behaviors, and belief systems may be present within me and my communities. We practice curiously exploring where internalized colonialism and capitalism may show up in our worldview and in our micro-actions and behaviors. We train our capacity to detect colonial patterns in real-life scenarios. We practice seeing what we haven’t seen before and accept that healing the Story of Separation is a central task for regenerative leaders, regardless of how uncomfortable this process may be.

4) I may feel confused, frustrated, angry, or triggered, and I take full responsibility for my own feelings. I don’t expect others to do my emotional labor or rescue me. We invite journey travelers to take note of their activated feelings and explore them more deeply in 1:1 coaching or therapy. Our community nurturers are here to receive feedback, reflections, and insights but not to offer coaching or therapy. For us, as a team of space-holders, we practice sacred boundaries that allow us to show up vulnerably and fully without feeling depleted.
5) I don’t have to agree with the content of the sessions, guest speakers, or the opinions of my fellow travelers, yet I’m here with an open heart and mind. I do my best not to pass judgment and check in with myself around what may be activated within me when I disagree, feel confronted, or uncomfortable. I know my belonging is not conditional on aligning with viewpoints that don’t resonate with my essence. I share my perspectives respectfully, with radical honesty and compassion. I strive to listen deeply and be curious: Why does this person believe that? Feel this way? Hold that perspective? We believe it’s possible to hold space for tension, conflict, and differing opinions without relationships falling apart or fueling polarization. In fact, we practice strengthening any constellation’s capacity by transcending polarities and seeing tension as necessary for evolutionary emergence. The Journey doesn’t believe in either/or but celebrates both/and, meaning we as facilitators don’t practice policing or silencing. Regenerative leaders need to learn to transcend polarities and create conditions conducive to life and true belonging. We practice acceptance of differing viewpoints without endorsing those we don’t stand by.

6) This Journey celebrates collective intelligence, co-sensing, and co-learning and unlearning—shedding any unconscious desire for a guru-leader. We don’t believe in the power-over dynamic society often assigns to “experts.” We don’t put certain people on pedestals, which is a dehumanizing way of relating. We believe in humbly learning from Indigenous wisdom keepers and those who have walked the path before us, honoring them properly—yet we don’t believe in hero-leadership. We are all leaders of ourselves, and we’re not here to educate you in an old-school way that ends with certification in Regenerative Leadership by “an expert.” Instead, we offer a rich buffet of approaches and ask that you step up and into your unique way of being a regenerative leader.
7) We don’t take ourselves too seriously. Humor, play, experimentation, failure, and messing up are foundational for our learning and unlearning. A good laugh is liberating. Self-importance, self-righteousness, and arrogance don’t grow well in our soil. There are no prescriptions for how everyone needs to think, act, or behave—there is no one right way of practicing regenerative ways of leading and being. We celebrate a variety of voices, words, and languages.
To us, this Soil Agreement helps create an environment of belonging and liberation. It allows us to show up fully and whole to co-create the much-needed brave community space.
As we begin the journey, we will add the voices of the journey travelers to this agreement and seal it as we set sail for the year-long journey.
- Regenerators Academy