We have now closed the registration link here on the website for the 2025 Journey

Register your interest in the 2026 Journey

Sign up here and be sure to be the first to know when we open the doors to sign up and apply for scholarship for the Regenerative Leadership Journey 2026.

Welcome to our year-long journey exploring Regenerative Leadership with a community of kindred spirits

If you are a committed change activator who longs for life-affirming ways to be on this planet and are curious and open to learning, unlearning and tangibly trying out new regenerative ways of living, working, leading and doing business – this offering is for you.
  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "This journey has planted a seed to transform my life and opened the potential to completely change the way I show up and how I contribute to a regenerative world."

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "Truly a path that you are invited to go shoulder to shoulder with beautiful fellow humans on, that gives rise to inspiration, connectedness and emergence within you and the community."

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "A very conscious learning journey to understand our interconnections and how to heal ourselves to heal the systems we belong to."

This journey is for you if you want to:

Who is this course for?

  • Explore, embrace and embody regenerative leadership principles in your daily work and life alongside others committed to rolling up their sleeves and start activating the needed regenerative shifts and ripple effects.

  • Learn how to use Regenerative Business and Leadership self-evaluation tools to enable shifts in organizations, start-ups or teams

  • Strengthen and expand your international network of regenerative changemakers from all walks of life on a similar regenerative journey of unlearning and learning

  • Embody and integrate regenerative and cyclical ways of being with a clear understanding of the shifts needed in consciousness, approach and actions

This journey may not be for you if you're expecting...

Polished 10-step frameworks or a quick-fix guides to implement and execute. Spoiler alert: There are no one-size-fits-all models or quick-fixes when working in regenerative ways.

Being spoon-fed and served sound-bites on a silver-platter. An integral part of this journey is about commitment to a new way of being, doing, leading. It asks each of us to show up fully and take responsibility for our personal learning journeys.

1:1 coaching and counselling. If you are going through a period of deep personal healing, we strongly recommend combining the journey working 1-2-1 with a qualified therapist or coach - we have a rich network of regenerative coaches we can recommend.

The Journey includes:

This unique one-year long journey is a combination of an extensive deep-dive course in Regenerative Leadership, a virtual global community and a multitude of stimulating co-created LIVE sessions to choose from. As the journey is deliberately designed to allow for natural emergence to happen, you will gain much more than what can be put into words at this stage.

That said, here are some of the things we can guarantee you:

  • Community

    We welcome you into our unique community of around 300 kindred spirits on a similar journey to embrace regenerative living, leading and business. You also become part of a very special Regenerators Alumni Community that has self-organized into multiple sub-groups, local gatherings and events. Our unique year-long Journey Community enables us to share challenges, successes, failures, lessons learned, ideas, and new inspirations openly and honestly, and to feel empowered and supported on our regenerative journey.

  • Pre-recorded modules

    The content will take you through all the main concepts and frameworks of Regenerative Leadership for you to explore in your own space and time. We then dive deeper into the content in our Live Integration Sessions. The course platfrom includes recorded sessions, slide-packs and a workbook designed to create space for deeper contemplation and application . You get immediate access to this when you sign up for the journey.

  • Live Virtual Sessions

    In these sessions, you will have the space to reflect and dive deeper into our theme of the month, meet fellow Regenerators from around the world, and discuss and share in smaller break-out rooms. We value designing sessions that feels like a nourishing waterhole that can equally challenge, recharge and guide you on your regenerative path. All LIVE sessions are recorded and can be accessed at any time.

  • Home study group

    If you are committed to showing up fully and want ongoing dedicated support from a small group of other committed journey travellers, its an opportunity to join your very own Home Circle. Team Regenerators offers reflection questions each month to bring to the Home Circles for deeper sharings in an intimate setting. Alongside your Home Circle, you also get to meet all the other amazing humans on the journey during the breakouts in the more than 20 sessions we have throughout the year.

  • Community

    Inspiration, thought-provoking ideas and best-practice cases from some of those on the forefront of the regenerative transformation. The guest sessions will ensure a rich cross-pollination to the foundational modules and will share interesting research, frameworks, best practice and experience. Meeting and exploring a plethora of voices and perspectives broaden and deepen our understating of regeneration.

  • Resource library

    Stimulating videos, podcasts, books, articles, films and research to help inspire and deepen your awareness, wisdom and practise.

    The library is open source for all who have taken the journey which means its continually evolving and growing. All alumni have access to this and are adding new links, ideas, research on an ongoing basis

The Flow of Our Year

Over the course of a year we travel deep into core pillars of regenerative wisdom. We explore frameworks, theories, practices and cases through presentation, music, visuals, videos, poems, embodiment, solo journaling and group sharings. Our year-long Journey is carefully designed around a cyclical wheel that follows the 4 main energetic seasons of the living world.


We begin our journey with the energy of the dark and still Winter. The practice of wintering is as essential for regenerative leaders as it is for any living system to nurture a fertile and nourished soil.

In the darkness of the winter-time we

  • Move into the shadows and explore the root-causes of the degenerative systems we find ourselves entangled in today.

  • Come to know that the regenerative approach has to be about radical unlearning, one that heals rather than adds to the Story of Separation.

  • Come to know that the regenerative approach has to be about radical unlearning, one that heals rather than adds to the Story of Separation.

SPRING ENERGY (April - June)

In the Spring energy of our journey, we explore how life creates conditions conducive for more life, by its very design. What if we could design human-made systems the same way? Base our business models on that life-affirming logic?

We begin to ask ourselves:

  • How we can translate these principles into our leadership and roles as ecosystem nurturers and facilitators?

  • How we could see ourselves as gardeners and facilitators of ecosystems holding space for life-affirming ways that creates conditions conducive to life itself?

SUMMER ENERGY (July-September)

The season and energy of Summer is one of doing, cultivating, growing and gardening! We roll up our sleeves and take our first steps forward by taking all that we have learned and explored so far on our journey and get our hands into the soil by applying it to our own lives and organizations.

As a community we:

  • Gather to bravely share real-life leadership and business challenges from the heart.

  • Support each other to collectively find regenerative pathways.

  • Explore which leadership capacities we need to cultivate to thrive in the regenerative transition period.

AUTUMN ENERGY (October - December)

Autumn is a time of harvest, preserving, composting nutrients and integration. In our community this is the season for community-led self-organized sessions - a powerful season of cross-pollination, expansion, experimenting.

Collectively we:

  • Sit with inquiries around what we have learned about ourselves, our leadership and how we want to show up in the world.

  • Explore what’s our essence and what’s our unique medicine for the regenerative era going to be.

  • Integrate all that we have moved through over the course of our year together in ways that holds space for our inner evolutionary emergence.

For a regenerative transition to happen we urgently need people from all walks of life embodying and practicing Regenerative Leadership.

This is not a course for people in leadership position only. For us LEADERSHIP IS NOT A TITLE. We warmly welcome EVERYONE committed to activating regenerative potential in their circles of influence. These are the types of people we most often attract:

Who is this course for?

  • Executives who understand that a regenerative business approach is the only way to move forward and the only way to future-proof their organization.

  • Intrapreneurs who are deeply passionate about sowing the seeds of inner transformation in their organizations, and long for a community to learn from, grow with, and be inspired by in terms of where to start and how to hold momentum.

  • Sustainability professionals, coaches and consultants who want to compliment their toolbox with an understanding of regenerative practice and frameworks.

  • HR professionals who understand their important role in transforming their organizations towards healthy, vibrant, living systems.

  • Educators who understand that the legacy they leave is one where they have equipped their students to navigate the complexities of the modern world, and to redesign it towards regeneration.

  • NGO leaders and community managers that sees the importance of ensuring NGOs are geared for the 21st century landscape and not lost in bureaucracy and rigidity.

  • Consultants and coaches who want to include a regenerative approach into their work and offerings to take their clients to the much-needed next level.

  • Architects and urban developers who are curious to explore how regenerative frameworks and approaches could improve their work in the field of urban regenerative design.

  • Project managers and team leaders who want to up-level their organizational approaches and frameworks into a mindset geared for the 21st century.

  • Students who feel their education isn’t prepping them to work or lead in the regenerative era.

Your Journey will be guided and supported by a team of Community Nurturers, Pollinators & Co-facilitators

The Regenerators Journey experience and community is facilitated and held by a team of nurturers who are all Journey Alumni. They are dedicated to help their new siblings navigate this journey and will co-facilitate some of the journey sessions with Laura & Judit.

Laura Storm

Laura is your main host on this journey and started Regenerators Academy from a dream of creating a space where change activators dedicated to regenerative transformation could get the wisdom, inspiration and community needed. Laura started her own journey as an 8-year old activist and has spent the past 25 years dedicated to the transition to sustainable and regenerative societies.

  • She has started and led multiple international organizations focused on the global transformation to sustainable societies - including Copenhagen Climate Council and Sustainia.

  • She has been awarded the title "Worldchanger" by Greenbiz, named one of the 30 leading women within sustainability and regeneration by Sustainable Brands, is selected by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader, a World Economic Forum Sustainability Expert and serves on many Boards.

  • She runs regenerative transformation processes for individuals and organizations and is the co-author of the much-praised book Regenerative Leadership - the DNA of life-affirming 21st century organisations.

Hear Laura sharing her story in this video.
Judit Saez Gonzalvez

Judit is a 2023 Alumni and is our dedicated Community Nurturer and is co-facilitating the journey with Laura.

She is a conscious leadership mentor and regenerative strategist with more than 15 years of experience leading teams, nurturing communities, shaping organizational culture, and developing businesses across Europe.

She ensures our community is safely held by all of us and nurtures spaces for engagement and collective action to arise.

Judit supports you to navigate the journey, show up authentically to our space, and to embody regenerative principles with a focus on well-being, co-creation, and innovation.

  • Paco Briseno

    Paco Briseño

    Paco Briseño is our supporting community nurturer & cross-pollinator.

    Paco is a 2022 Alumni and has over 30 years of experience at the intersection of business, sustainability, change, innovation, and leadership.

    In the last decade, he has focused on education, mentoring, and coaching in innovation and regenerative leadership. Paco also runs our shorter regenerative leadership courses in spanish.

  • Charlie Felgate

    Charlie Felgate

    Charlie will co-facilitate some of the Live Integration sessions on regenerative leadership frameworks and application.

    Charlie is a 2022 Alumni and has spent most of his professional career working with businesses on their strategy and visioning work. He worked 15 years for Decathlon helping them integrate regeneration as one of their 5 strategic pillars. Today he facilitates regenerative workshops at his Ferme Lecoq farm in France.

  • Ida Christoffersen

    Ida Christoffersen

    Ida is our Journey Assistant and is supporting us with any technical and practical issues.

    She is happy to help you with any practical issues around the course, payment, email subscriptions, access to platforms, technical mysteries and the like. You can reach Ida at [email protected] where she is present on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "This journey by Laura Storm, has been the most interesting, fulfilling, and enriching course experience I've taken so far. The wealth of ideas, guidance and wording are such an extraordinary source of constant inspiration!"

    Susana Gago Garcia, Founder & Director, India

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "What an incredible journey it has been! More than anything we've learned this year about using LIFE as the metaphor for everything we do...one of the most profoundly transformational experiences of my life."

    Brad Peirce, Coach & Consultant, United States

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "I want to recommend it to everyone, I mean EVERYONE. While the course is a journey of deep personal reflection, it also gives tools to support others to build for a regenerative future. The future can be bright and there is a lot of hope."

    Michaela Ramm-Schmidt, Senior Expert, Corporate Relations at Baltic Sea Action Group, Finland

We learn from courageous pioneers of the regenerative movement

We are inviting regenerative practitioners, edge-walkers, thinkers and do'ers to share their unique insights and ideas with us.

  • Sahana Chattopadhyay

    Gesturing towards Pluriversal Futures

  • Jeremy Lent

    The Vision & Potential of an Ecocivilization

  • Daniel Christian Wahl

    Holding essential questions together

  • Sophie Strand

    Rewilding Myths & Storytelling

  •  Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza

    Decolonization is essential

  • Tre’ Cates

    Business Designed with Life

  • Tom Mansfield

    Cards for Life interactive session

  • Christiane Seuhs-Schoeller

    Transforming Collaboration and Hierarchies

  • Joshua Konkankoh

    Rite of Passage & Eldership in Transformation


  • Louise Raaschou

    Head of Leadership Mercedes-Benz Vans: The NWOW project based on regenerative leadership principles

  • Philippe Birker

    COO, Climate Farmers: Regenerative Agriculture and the business model of Climate Farmers

  • Gabriel Micheli

    Senior Investment Manager, Pictet Asset Management: Regenerative investments

A rich variety of virtual gatherings

Throughout the year we gather online 2-3x per month. Towards the end of our journey, when we open for community-led sessions, there’s an even richer amount of offerings you can dive into.


In these sessions, Laura Storm will hold space alongside a community nurturer and co-facilitator. The sessions are designed to weave in grounding, theory, cases, storytelling, breakout sharings in smaller groups, embodiment, music, journaling and collective sharings. All live sessions are recorded and can be accessed at any time.


As part of the journey, you will meet some of the world’s leading regenerative pioneers and practitioners and listen to them share inspiration, thought-provoking ideas, best-practice cases and their unique insights and ideas with us. They show up in live sessions in our community to offer wisdom designed to strengthen us and our capacity as budding regenerative leaders, and you have the opportunity to ask them questions directly.


These sessions are designed to help us all move from theory to practice by inviting members of our community to share a real-life challenge from their everyday (work)life. We are then collectively invited to apply what we have all learned so far on our journey together by providing feedback, ideas, insights, reflections with the intention of to move forward as regenerative leaders. The very act of supporting each other in this way, is breaking old patterns of thinking that we must figure everything out on our own, and believing that something must be perfect before we can share it with others.


These sessions are informal, relaxed, emergent sessions holding space for what feels alive in the community. They will mainly take part in the beginning of the journey to help nourish the community development. It's when we can see, hear, feel, sense through the sharings from our fellow travellers and how they are translating regenerative consciousness into their every day work-life and the challenges they face, that we can begin to see how we ourselves might do the same with even more intention.

We also offer the opportunity of journeying together with a small Home Circle

 If you are committed to showing up fully and want ongoing dedicated support from a small group of other committed journey travellers, you are invited to join your very own Home Circle at the start of our journey. Based on an application from you we will design the groups, introduce you to each other, and offer a structure of monthly reflective questions to explore together. This allows a more intimate space for deeper sharings and collective integration of new ways of being. After the initial introduction you self-organize your gatherings. Alongside your Home Circle, you also get to meet all the other amazing humans on the journey during the breakouts in the LIVE Integration sessions.


The community self-organises in-person gatherings that provide opportunities for alumni and current participants to connect, collaborate, and practice their regenerative leadership skills together. Whether through workshops, retreats, or community events, we invite you to join these regenerative gatherings. Team Regenerators doesn't directly manage these events yet we strongly support and celebrate the emergence of these initiatives.

Upcoming in-person gatherings in 2025: Regenerators Annual Gathering Selgars Mill, Devon (UK) August 28 to September 1 2025.
  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "This course has changed my life for the better in countless ways. It's the best course I've ever undertaken. I feel deeply grateful that Laura and all those she walks with are doing this beautifully crucial work at a time when it's needed most."

    Simon Jones, Community leader, United Kingdom

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "A journey full of wisdom, diverse input and deep connections. A space for cross-pollination to start co-creating a world in which every living being can thrive in a regenerative way."

    Christina Hunn, Social Innovation Ecosystem Facilitator, Argentina

  • Regenerators Testimonial

    "This course has opened up a whole new way of seeing the world for me. When we create organizations as the complex living systems they truly are, they are able to thrive, despite the many disruptions that will continue to rock the world over the next decades."

    Colleen Davis, Regenerative Executive Coach, South Africa


Joining the Regenerative Leadership Journey means becoming part of a thriving alumni community that continues to grow and evolve. Our alumni are an invaluable support-system for all of us n a regenerative journey offering inspiration and collaboration opportunities long after the journey has ended. Team Regenerators doesn't directly facilitate the wider Alumni Community yet we offer a held Alumni Community of Care & Practice for all who wants to gather in a frequent rhythm in a held space.

Our Alumni Community Nurturers that cross-pollinate with the journey.

  • Kapil Dawda

    Kapil Dawda

    Originally from India, he moved to the Netherlands in May 2023 with his family. Kapil is from the 2022 journey cohort. While he has worn different professional hats in the social sector, central to them has been the work of weaving collaborative ecosystems and communities, where change makers can find learning, connection, and support.

  • Carla Blanquier

    Carla Blanquier

    Carla is from the 2023 journey cohort and from Brazil. She has lived in Canada and Colombia and her background has been in leadership and organizational development. She is moved by the possibility of co-creating a more connected and authentic way of living and has been working with communities of practice that share that intention.

Pricing options & payment plans for our 12 month long journey experience

We offer 3-month payment plans on all price levels. We also offer Group Discounts (send us an email). We offer scholarships - see below.

1) Corporate Sponsor (a spot for yourself + a sponsored spot for someone who wouldn't otherwise be able to attend) €2888
2) Corporate & self-employed (high-income) €2444
3) NGO/Academia/Self-employed (low income)€1777
4) Students & Unemployed €888

We do not offer refunds.


We believe this journey should be as accessible as possible to everyone committed to regenerative transformation, regardless of financial circumstances. That’s why we offer at least 20 scholarships each year.

Our scholarships are mainly open to applicants from the Global South - Global Majority - who are passionate about regenerative transformation. We’re seeking individuals who are fully committed and ready to engage deeply with our year-long journey.

We are looking for community leaders, entrepreneurs, farmers, or startup founders - ready to dive into regenerative principles and organizational development. Apply for a scholarship before 15 December 2024

Dates to save in your calendar

The monthly LIVE sessions will run twice a day to accommodate our global community (you are free to attend both but the focus will be the same for each session). 

The sessions will run 9-11 am CET AND 3-5 pm CET - you pick the time slot that best fits your time-zone/schedule. 

The sessions with guest teachers will be spread throughout the year at a time that's convenient for their time-zone and will only take place one time. 

Our monthly Integration Sessions


  • MARCH 19, APRIL 8, MAY 8, JUNE 12

All sessions are hosted twice a day to accommodate to a global community - pick the time that suits you best.
Join for 9-11 am CET OR 3-5 pm CET

Session times in other time zones:

  • New York: 3-5 am EST or 9-11 am EST
  • Buenos Aires: 5-7 am ART or 11 am - 1pm ART
  • Cape Town: 10 am -12 pm SAST or 4-6 pm SAST
  • New Delhi: 1:30 - 3:30 pm IST or 7:30-9:30 pm IST
  • Bangkok: 3 - 5 pm IST or 9-11 pm IST
  • Sidney: 7 - 9 pm AEDT or 1-3 am AEDT

A Regenerative Business Model

This is how we at Regenerators Academy do our best to create regenerative ripples. The Regenerators Academy business model is based on values of regeneration.

This means that this entity has to create regenerative impact not just for participants, but far beyond its direct circles of influence. This isn’t a traditional course where financial revenue streams only benefit the creator of the course, or where the course content can only be accessed by those that can afford it.

Designing regenerative ripples has been at the core, which means the following simple rules are in place:

  • Indigenous wisdom keepers and efforts to regenerate land receive direct benefits of the financial capital generated: 10% (minus local VAT) of revenue is donated to regenerative projects with a preference for land regeneration and empowering indigenous voices. At its core regenerative wisdom is indigenous wisdom. It’s our responsibility to help these efforts to gain access to capital.

  • The Robin Hood Principle: Participants from corporations can donate a scholarship position directly through their payment to those that cannot afford participation. So every time someone from a corporation signs up, they immediately free up a scholarship position to someone without the financial means.

  • Guest speakers are financially compensated for their time and wisdom: Too often pioneers are expected to happily share their wisdom and knowledge without getting paid. In this course, they receive fair compensation for their time and wisdom.

  • We work in ways that allows for a cyclical approach to life: What does this mean? It means that we do our best to honor rest, wintering and time for reflection and integration.

What we cover in the six foundational modules:

The six modules are pre-recorded and come with a workbook designed to help you develop your practice deeper. During the LIVE sessions we dive deeper into reflections and sharings.

  • MODULE 1: Why we need Regenerative Leadership

  • MODULE 2: Getting to the Root Cause: The Story of Separation

  • MODULE 3: Learning from Nature

  • MODULE 4: The Role of the Regenerative Leader

  • MODULE 5: The DNA of Regenerative Business

  • MODULE 6: Regenerative Leadership Capacities  

The essence of the six pre-recorded modules

A journey through inner, outer & ecosystemic dimensions

Regenerators are constantly focused on weaving new regenerative ways. They understand that how they show up for themselves and to what extent they apply regenerative principles to their own lives deeply influence their ability to create regenerative ripples through their own actions and leadership.

The Regenerative Leadership Journey will focus on how we can create regenerative ripples in our own lives, projects, organizations and through our actions have a regenerative ecosystemic impact.

Questions You May Have

  • What will we cover in the LIVE sessions? What if I can't attend?

    In our LIVE sessions, Laura prepare the theme based on what's most alive in the community. It could be a deeper exploration of the wisdom of nature, indigenous wisdom, the story of separation, more business cases, additional frameworks, exercises or yin-style reflective sessions. In our sessions with guest speakers, we allow the guests – the regenerative pioneers and practitioners – to offer pieces they feel called to deliver to us. All guests are ready to co-create and look forward to interesting sharing.

    All sessions will be recorded and posted in the community - except of course for the breakout rooms which are private sharing between those that are there.

  • How is this journey structured?

    This journey is designed with the intention of tapping into the alchemy of structure and emergence. This means that there's some elements that are fixed - the pre-recorded modules that are the known pieces of the puzzle that you dive into during your own time and space. The LIVE sessions on the other hand we collectively hold space for what wants to emerge. We dive deep together, share lessons learned, and express our reflections around the content pillars. Laura Storm will be the main space holder to guide and deeply sense into where we need to go next together as a collective.

  • How will I get to talk to fellow Regenerators on this journey?

    During the LIVE sessions we will always have breakouts where you get to meet fellow journey travellers, in our virtual community you can discuss, share and meet your fellow travellers. For those that are interested we will help you get your own Home-Circle - smaller study groups of app 6 who travel and learn together in a self-organized way.

  • When do we begin & end the journey? How much time should I allocate?

    We have the first LIVE session in January and then we have app. 2 sessions a month throughout 2025.

    How much time to allocate really depends on how deep you want to take your practice. If you go through all the modules which I highly recommend it's a total of 15 hours of video sessions and then comes the suggestions for diving deeper and the exercises.

    There are no rules. For some, the live sessions and the community deliver the most value; therefore, they may not watch all the modules. That’s fine too – you’ll take what you need from this experience and can always go back and watch a module that we referred to in the live sessions if you wish to do so.

  • Can I get a student discount or a scholarship?

    Yes, the price for students are significantly lower with the options of dividing payments into three segments. We also have the opportunity of applying for a scholarship. See further up on the page the link to submit application.

The Regenerative Leadership Journey captured by an artist

In 2022, Anna Denardin illustrated the journey's key sessions. These images gives you a great sense of the flow, richness and depth of our journey.